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Board of Selectmen Minutes -- 05/14/2015
Jackson Selectmen’s Board Meeting
May 14, 2015
Present:        John Allen, Chairman; Bob Thompson and Bill Lockard, Selectmen

Visitors:       Town Office Administrator Julie Atwell, Town Administrative Assistant Julie Hoyt, Police Chief Doug Jette, Fire Chief/Road Agent Jay Henry, Engineer Burr Phillips, Building Inspector Kevin Bennett, Town Clerk/Tax Collector Karen Burton, Transfer Station Manager Jon Edgerly, Treasurer Kathleen Dougherty, Bea Davis, Bob Davis, Jerry Dougherty, George Howard, Peter Benson, Fran Lyons, Glen Davis, Martha Benesh

Chairman John Allen called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.

  • Amend & approve minutes
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – April 2, 2015  The minutes were approved as written.
  • Selectmen’s Meeting – April 16, 2015  The minutes were approved as written.
  • Non-Public – April 16, 2015 – sign minutes envelope RSA 91-A:3, II(c)  The envelope was signed.
  • Update on April 16, 2015 Action Items
  • Melloon Road Stump Dump  Selectman Lockard went up there and it looks clean and well-maintained.  
  • Parking for events in town  Exploration of parking options runs all the way from doing nothing to telling businesses to tell their clients to park elsewhere and walk.  The town needs more parking.  Selectman Lockard is soliciting assistance as to how the Board wants to do this.  The town could establish three to five spaces without spending a lot of money.  After that there needs to be a decision as to what more to do.  Kenny Crowther will check about setbacks.  Road Agent Henry talked to Mike Mallett; from the Golf Barn to the former Red Fox has to be open for golf carts and they don’t want to have golf balls hitting the cars; it’s a no parking area.  Mike feels the Golf Course parking lots provide plenty of parking.  It’s Mike’s property and he wants no parking there.  Event parking was discussed; it would be a requirement for there to be parking attendants; rather than having the event sponsor provide those attendants, Jackson police will provide the detail.  
  • New Fire Truck  A meeting of the Fire Truck Committee was held; they are ready to move forward with the purchase of a new truck; it will take nine months to build.  The manufacturer would like to display the truck at the National show in April after which it would be delivered to Jackson.  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to sign for the new fire truck and let Fire Chief Henry and the manufacturer decide on a delivery date and to include it in the National show.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Highway Report  The winter equipment has been repaired and put up for the summer; the second small snow plow proved very efficient.  Communication with the Police Department has been good.  There is a three hundred foot section of Dundee that didn’t hold up very well but a full rebuild of the section would be expensive.  A letter from the Brooks was received thanking the Highway Department for the repair work done to their lawn.  
  • Double Head Parking Lot  The meeting on April thirtieth went well; Chairman Allen will make sure the notes are put on e-news.  The time frame for the Forest Service to do a lot is a couple of years out.  There is discussion about a MOU with the Beals regarding use of the parking area.  It won’t happen before next winter.  The consensus was to move forward with revamping the existing lot; this is in the Beals’ court now as far as that goes.  Folks do want to pursue the Forest Service option but this is at the end of a long waiting list for projects.  Selectman Thompson likes the new (Forest Service) site as it would move the parking away from the private driveways.  
  • Ambulance billing process  The Ambulance proposal is complete; the meeting to discuss this was held earlier today.  (see separate notes)
  • Sandbags in river  The sandbags have been removed.
  • Horse manure pile at Black Mountain  The manure pile remains; John Fichera was not very receptive to doing anything about it other than having it periodically hauled away.  Chairman Allen is stymied and needs input from the Board.  An opinion will be sought from Health Trust on this where this is a health and safety issue.  
  • Selectmen’s meeting dates  Upcoming meeting dates are May 28th, June 11th and 25th, July 9th and 23rd.  
  • Police Report  Chief Jette reviewed the new legislation about hands free driving.  Police will be doing proactive motor vehicle stops.  Jackson has been billing out detail work at fifty dollars an hour; this is lower than other area departments.  In order to have all towns at the same rate, he would like to start billing details at sixty-two dollars an hour.  The duck race is coming up on May 24th; and the Memorial Day parade will be held on the 25th beginning at 9 a.m. at the school.  Chief Jette is working with the Jackson School Board regarding a MOU regarding Safe School Zones and what it really means regarding additional penalties for certain crimes within the SSZ.  The point is to establish a safe building and school buses.  The SSZ would include a five hundred foot radius around the school to satisfy the state statute.  The area cuts through the Snow Flake Inn and there are concerns about what this means if someone were to be doing drugs in the Inn or Yesterdays or even in private homes within that radius.  The area is going to apply to the roadway only.  This will translate into signage for the kids to safely cross to and from the school as well.  It allows for a Police presence before and after school.  Selectman Lockard would like to table further discussion; Selectman Thompson agrees; he’d like Chief Jette to provide a sign so the Board can see what type of signage he’s talking about as well as a plan for dealing with civilian housing within the radius.  The Board also wants to see what the School Board’s policy is; the MOU was expected to be received before today’s meeting.  Everyone would love to see this in place for next year.  There have been lots of positive comments regarding the Police Department’s outreach with kickball.  
  • Public Comment  There were no comments.
  • Transfer Station – Burr Phillips and Jon Edgerly  Engineer Phillips provided three sets of plans for the Board to review.  Bartlett is not ready do anything yet so this is just a review for Jackson.   Plan #1 is the lower cost, basic plan which can also be scaled back; Plan #2 is Plan #1 elaborated with retaining walls, recycling bins and ADA accessibility.  Plan #3 is to remove the compactor from the area and changing the traffic flow.  The costs run from seventy thousand to one hundred forty thousand dollars.  Utilizing town staff to do the building, moving, etc. would cut that by about a third.  Site lighting is needed; he suggests five poles at two thousand dollars each.  This work could be phased.   Jon recently learned that moving bulk recyclables is cost prohibitive, especially the plastic.  It will be important to look at how this is going to be handled.  He reviewed the current plans and costs and compared different options.   A different baler would make baling plastic less intensive but would cost sixty thousand dollars.  Jon would like to see one way traffic, with the septic system moved; this is a further renovation above any of the plans on the table currently.  Engineer Phillips noted Plan #1 would be a minimum of ten thousand dollars with staff doing all the work they can and the lighting and gravel has to be done right; lighting up there is an issue.   Both Boards need to meet about this; it is reasonable to incorporate ADA compliance into the renovation.  The Board was reminded it would cost one hundred seventy two thousand dollars to do that and Bartlett has no trust fund for this; they’ll have to put it before their voters next March.   Engineer Phillips will work with Road Agent Henry on the plan and figures.  Jerry asked what Conway does with their plastic; they bale it; Jerry wondered if they’d take Jackson’s; Jon noted neither Androscoggin nor Conway are receptive.  Martha asked if these plans include scales; they do not.  Helene is looking into what the Capital Reserve Fund can be used for as funds had supposedly been put aside for scales a number of years ago.  
  • Fire Truck – Jay Henry  This was completed earlier (see agenda item 2c).
  • Building Inspector
  • Weekly Report – Kevin Bennett  Inspector Bennett reviewed activities since the last meeting.  The Dana Place demolition might happen in three weeks.  There are enquiries about High Pastures from folks who either own or want to purchase lots; this is an unapproved subdivision and water, electrical and the road must be brought up to standard.  Counselor Malia will be reviewing this.  A call came in regarding the Wildcat Townhouse resort regarding unsafe decks.  The owner has been notified the decks aren’t safe.
  • Building Permit 2015000010 Map R09, Lot 11 – (Owner – Heartbreak Hotel, LLC – 24 Tucker Lane) – Renovate existing house, construct 24’x36’ addition
  • Building Permit 2015000011 Map R12, Lot 01 – (Owner – Bradley – 5 Adams Road) – Add 12’x15’ three season porch
  • Demolition Permit 2015000012 Map R14, Lot 22 – (Owner – Garrison – Thorn Hill Road) – Replace Deck
  • Building Permit 2015000013 Map R13, Lot 29 – (Owner – Mallett Corporation – 49 NH Rt. 16) – Install new bakers oven
  • Building Permit 2015000014 Map R14, Lot 02 – (Owner – Protasowicki – 58 NH Rt. 16) – Replace wood on existing walkway deck
  • Building Permit 2015000015 Map R12, Lot 154 – (Owner – Caruso – Pine Brook Road) – Build new single family home with attached garage
  • Driveway Permit – Map R12, Lot 154
  • New Business
  • Cemetery Lot Agreements (2) – Signatures Requires  
  • Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to approve the Cemetery Lot Agreement for Becky and Davey Armstrong; Lot 750H.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to approve the Cemetery Lot Agreement for Christine Murphy; Lot 321F.  The motion passed unanimously.   
  • Prospect Farm – Camp out request  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion to approve the fourth grade’s request to camp out at Prospect Farm on May 28th.  The motion passed unanimously.  
Fran Lyons asked to discuss Prospect Farm before the Board moves on; he owns a hundred acres on the back side of Prospect Farm and he’s heard about changes in the rules for access up there.  He is supposed to have permanent access up there.  He had a key to go in any time he wanted to or to do anything he wanted.  Chairman Allen noted there was a recent issue regarding use of the property.  There was talk from the Conservation Commission about redefining uses up there but that didn’t happen; there have been no uses changed in any way, shape or form up there.  

  • Town Office Roof  Office Administrator Atwell has received one bid and is waiting on two others; she hopes to have this for the next meeting.  It will be done sometime between now and October.  
  • Community Profile – FYI  Jackson’s population has been bumped up from eight hundred ninety to one thousand thirty two based on the 2013 census.  
  • Tax Warrant  Selectman Lockard, seconded by Selectman Thompson, made a motion to approve the tax warrant and to sign it out of session.  The motion passed unanimously.  
  • Valley Cross Road Bridge  Selectman Lockard and Road Agent Henry have  looked at this red listed bridge; the structure is satisfactory; it’s cosmetic things.  The beams are fine.   Road Agent Henry will put together some figures for new decking and welding.   Road Agent Henry did the one on Wilson Road for around fifteen thousand dollars.  Jeff Perry did the work.  Selectman Thompson noted the Valley Cross Road Bridge has issues with the pedestrian walkway and welds at road level.  The sense was this might be something the Board needs to talk about and to develop a three to five year plan and determine what the town wants to invest in that bridge.   He suggests having somebody who knows about bridges go up and then tell the Board what to do.   Engineer Phillips will be asked to be the starting point.  
  • Timber Tax  Selectman Thompson, seconded by Selectman Lockard, made a motion approve the Timber Tax and to sign it out of session.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Old Library Management Committee request  The OLMC is requesting funds to have the building cleaned.  Selectman Thompson feels the first priority is to finish the project per their agreement; he will talk with Tamarack Construction and Chairman Allen will approach the OLMC.
  • Wildcat Townhouse Resort – Martha Benesh  Martha presented information about this property suggesting it is going up for auction; she wants to know how Jackson plans to go about getting the funds it is owned for back taxes and current taxes.  She suggested having counsel review the liens to make sure they are in order before the auction happens.  Town Clerk/Tax Collector Burton and Inspector Bennett have been contacted by property owners up there as well.  There are seventeen liens but the town is not really the owner of the land.  Martha wants to make sure the town will get its money back and to determine what rights the town has.  She thinks it is three to four hundred thousand that is owed; Town Clerk Tax Collector Burton noted for 2012 – 2014 less than ninety thousand is owed.  Placing a lien on a property is different than deeding it.  The Board agrees to bring this to Counselor Malia for review.
  • Old Business
  • Assessing Numbers – FYI  The DRA has given Jackson its assessing numbers.    
  • Public Comment  There were no comments.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
                                        Respectfully submitted by:

                                        Martha D. Tobin

                                        Recording Secretary